In order to detail and solve commonly-occurring problems in terms of applying work permits for their foreign employees, the Ministry of Labor – Invalids and Social Affairs issued Circular No. 40/2016/TT-BLĐTB&XH dated 25 October 2016 (“Circular 40”). Accordingly, Circular 40 regulates a number of key issues as below:
1. Circular 40 specifically requires deadlines for employers (other than contractor) submitting to Department of Labor – Invalids and Social Affairs an explanatory report on demand for utilization of foreign employees at least 30 days before the planned day for commencement of work. In cases of changes in demand for utilization of foreign employees, the employer shall submit an explanatory report on changes at least 30 days before the planned day for commencement of work.
2. Circular 40 specifically requires the evidence of foreign employees certified as an expert by one of the following documents:
- An expert certificate issued by an enterprise, organization, foreign company, including: the name of certificate issuer; the expert’s information including name, date of birth, nationality and major qualifications with a position expected to work in Vietnam; or
- A university degree or equivalent and with a minimum of three-year-working experience in a major relevant to the position expected to work in Vietnam.
3. Circular 40 specifically requires the evidence of foreign employees certified as a technician by the following documents:
- A certificate or documents issued by an enterprise, organization, or foreign company certifying that such foreign employee has been trained for at least 01 year in the technical field or his/her major is relevant to the job (s)he is expected to work in Vietnam; and
- Documents certifying that the foreign employee has a minimum of three-year-working experience in relevant major to the position (s)he is expected to work in Vietnam.
4. One key point of Circular 40 is about the cases in which employers who assign, appoint foreign employees to work in provinces, cities other than where (s)he is now working, specifically as below:
In the case where a foreign employee is already granted a valid work permit and assigned and appointed to take up the same position in a province other than where (s)he is now working for at least 10 consecutive days, (s)he shall be exempted from application for a new work permit. However, that foreign employee’s employer shall send a written notification attached with a certified true copy of the existing work permit to the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs of the province where the foreign employee’s new workplace is located, that specifies the enterprise name, address of the new workplace, position, title and working period.
5. In addition, Circular 40 also attaches updated Forms in relation to: The explanatory report on demand for utilization of foreign employees; The explanatory letter about changes in demand for utilization of foreign employees; Application for granting or re-granting work permits to foreign employees; Application for confirmation on work permit exemption; Logbook for a list of foreign employees; Reports on status of utilization of foreign employees on a quarterly, six month and annual basis; Comprehensive report on foreign employees.
Circular 40 took effect on 12 December 2016 and replaced Circular No. 30/2014//TT-BLĐTBXH dated 20 January 2014 issued by the Ministry of Labor – Invalids and Social Affairs, providing guidance on number of articles of the Decree No. 102/2013/NĐ-CP dated 5 September 2013 issued by the Government detailing implementation of number of articles of Labor Code on foreign employees in Vietnam.
Download full text document at: Circula-40-2016
For more detail, please contact us:
Hanoi Office: C36-TT8, Van Quan urban, Van Quan wrd., Ha Dong dis., Hanoi city, Vietnam
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Tel: 84-24-3225 2641 Fax: 84-24-3225 2640