Ownership ratio of foreign investor
Vietnam has participated in several world economic organizations with the commitment to open up to foreign investors in Vietnam. Accordingly, enterprises, organizations, foreign individuals viewed Vietnam as a potential investment markets. However, the legal system overlap and inconsistency in many texts also led businesses, foreign individuals encounter when intending to invest in Vietnam. Through this article Kim Huc take out the legal provisions about the ratio of capital ownership in businesses investors when investing in Vietnam. Under the provisions of Article 22 of the Investment Law 2014: Foreign investors may own unlimitedcharter capital in economic organizations, except for the following cases: Ownership of foreign investors at listed companies, public companies, securities trading organizations and securities investment funds in accordance with the law on ... -
Conditions for conducting non-life insurance business activities with foreign enterprises in Vietnam
Insurance business casualty in Vietnam are increasingly growing. Therefore, Vietnam is a potential market for the development of this industry. Foreign enterprises meet the legal conditions? The content below will help the process of implementing procedures, learn, apply for business licenses in Vietnam for business more advantageous. 1. Legal grounds for implementation - Insurance Business Law 2000 - Law amending and supplementing the Law on Insurance Business in 2010 - Decree No. 73/2016 / ND-CP enforcement insurance business - Circular No. 50/2017 / TT-BTC - Circular No. 194/2014 / TT-BTC 2. Foreign enterprises trading in non-life insurance VN should: a) Non-life insurance under the legislation VN. Article 3.18, Insurance Law 2000, as amended and supplemented in 2010 defined "non-life insurance ... -
The list of investment conditions for foreign investors
1. Publication the list of investment conditions for foreign investors - The provisions of Clause 1, Article 13 of the Government's Decree No. 118/2015 / ND-CP of November 12, 2015 guiding the Investment Law. The Ministry of Planning and Investment has announced the list of investment conditions for foreign investors on the National Information Portal on foreign investment. Website: - This list is a combination of conditional business lines for foreign investors in accordance with Vietnam's Schedule of Commitments in the World Trade Organization and other laws and ordinances. , decrees, international treaties on investment of Vietnam. - Accordingly, foreign investors are required to meet all investment conditions if they wish to implement investment projects on the list of investment ... -
Foreigners working in Vietnam to pay compulsory social insurance from 2018
The 2014 Law on Social Insurance adds three more groups of subjects to be covered by compulsory social insurance. These are people working under labour contracts of a definite term between one full month and under three months; part-time communal cadres; and foreigners working in Vietnam and possessing work permits, practice certificates, or licenses issued by competent Vietnamese authorities. It means that foreigners working in Vietnam with work permits or practice certificates or practice licences granted by competent Vietnamese agencies will be covered by compulsory social insurance as from January 1, 2018. From 2018, foreigners working in Vietnam are required to participate in compulsory social insurance, and pay insurance premiums based on their wage, allowances and other additional amounts stated ... -
Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is often called as CISG 1980. Until the end of 2015, there are 84 nations and territories which have been signed and become its members, including Vietnam. On 1st January 2017, CISG 1980 took official effects in Vietnam and directly affect international commercial activities between Vietnamese traders and their partners from other countries. Viet An Law Firm collects and provides our Clients some basic information related to CISG 1980 as follows: Governing scope: This convention applies to contracts for sale of goods between parties whose places of business are in different States: - When the States are Contracting States; or - When the rules of private international law lead to the application of the law ... -
During investment process in Vietnam, investors may face some troubles slowing down investment schedule or affecting their business. These disputes may appear in different aspects: Disputes with target companies: Among foreign investment methods in Vietnam, capital contribution, shares/capital purchase are the most common ones as they save time and are simpler than others. However, to purchase a company in Vietnam, foreign investors may face some legal issues like conditional business sectors. When purchasing one, investors should thoroughly conduct due diligence, especially, satisfaction of business conditions. Assuming that a company which has not applied for sublicenses of a conditional business sector or has not satisfied required conditions, there is a potential risk that they would hide those facts. Dispute with employees: Employers shall ...