Today the Ministry of Health has released the Official Dispatch No 10688/BYT-MT with regards to health-related matters concerning cases of entry to Vietnam during covid-19. A few important bits are as below: General requirement: - Having a negative to SARS-CoV-2 result test before entry (saved for children under 2 years old) within 72 hours before entering VN; - Health declaration before entry; Upon entering VN, the PC-Covid application must be installed and used for health check and observation following Vietnamese laws; Requirement for specific cases: 2.1 For people having sufficient amount of vaccine shots or have recovered from COVID-19: - Within 3 days from entry: self-monitoring at the lodging (including private houses, hotel, motel, resort, headquarter of business, guesthouse of ... -
Ownership ratio of foreign investor
Vietnam has participated in several world economic organizations with the commitment to open up to foreign investors in Vietnam. Accordingly, enterprises, organizations, foreign individuals viewed Vietnam as a potential investment markets. However, the legal system overlap and inconsistency in many texts also led businesses, foreign individuals encounter when intending to invest in Vietnam. Through this article Kim Huc take out the legal provisions about the ratio of capital ownership in businesses investors when investing in Vietnam. Under the provisions of Article 22 of the Investment Law 2014: Foreign investors may own unlimitedcharter capital in economic organizations, except for the following cases: Ownership of foreign investors at listed companies, public companies, securities trading organizations and securities investment funds in accordance with the law on ... -
Conditions for conducting non-life insurance business activities with foreign enterprises in Vietnam
Insurance business casualty in Vietnam are increasingly growing. Therefore, Vietnam is a potential market for the development of this industry. Foreign enterprises meet the legal conditions? The content below will help the process of implementing procedures, learn, apply for business licenses in Vietnam for business more advantageous. 1. Legal grounds for implementation - Insurance Business Law 2000 - Law amending and supplementing the Law on Insurance Business in 2010 - Decree No. 73/2016 / ND-CP enforcement insurance business - Circular No. 50/2017 / TT-BTC - Circular No. 194/2014 / TT-BTC 2. Foreign enterprises trading in non-life insurance VN should: a) Non-life insurance under the legislation VN. Article 3.18, Insurance Law 2000, as amended and supplemented in 2010 defined "non-life insurance ... -
The insurance premiums for foreign workers in Vietnam in 2018
In 2018 foreign workers in Vietnam will be participating in social insurance. So how are their insurance premiums? What is the maximum limit for participation in health insurance, social insurance of foreign workers? The first, on social insurance: Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 4 of Decision No. 595/QD-BHXH April 14, 2017: "Article 4.- Subjects defined in Article 2 of the Law on Social Insurance and documents guiding the implementation thereof, specifically as follows: 2. Employees being foreign citizens working in Vietnam having work permits or practicing certificates or practicing licenses granted by competent Vietnamese agencies (from January 1, 2018 as regulated by the Government)." Pursuant to Article 5 of Decision No. 595 / QD-BHXH of April 14, 2017 stipulating the social insurance ... -
Legal News – 11 major changes in the Labor Code 2019
It is expected that the new Labor Code which will replace the Labor Code 2012 will be submitted to the National Assembly for approval and come into effect in 2019. The Labor Code has a great impact on every employee, so any change in it will more or less affect their rights and obligations. Here are 11 major changes in the latest Labor Code. 1. Provisions on the authorization to enter into a labor contracts for enterprises with multiple owners This is a group of policies that will help to improve the feasibility in applying provisions on labor contracts, labor discipline - material responsibility, foreign workers in Vietnam, working time – rest time; settlement of labor disputes and other working ... -
What kind of insurance does a foreign worker have to join?
When joining the labor force in Vietnam, there will be the following insurance: + Firstly, on social insurance: Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 2 of the Law on Social Insurance 2014, the subjects subject to social insurance shall be prescribed as follows: " 2. Employees being foreign citizens who work in Vietnam and who have work permits or practicing certificates or practicing certificates granted by competent Vietnamese agencies may participate in social insurance. Compulsory in accordance with the regulations of the Government. " Accordingly, the new Social Insurance Law 2014 stipulates that foreign employees are obliged to participate in compulsory social insurance. However, pursuant to Article 124 of the Law on Social Insurance, 2014, on implementation effect: " 1. This Law ...