Conditions for conducting non-life insurance business activities with foreign enterprises in Vietnam
Insurance business casualty in Vietnam are increasingly growing. Therefore, Vietnam is a potential market for the development of this industry. Foreign enterprises meet the legal conditions? The content below will help the process of implementing procedures, learn, apply for business licenses in Vietnam for business more advantageous. 1. Legal grounds for implementation - Insurance Business Law 2000 - Law amending and supplementing the Law on Insurance Business in 2010 - Decree No. 73/2016 / ND-CP enforcement insurance business - Circular No. 50/2017 / TT-BTC - Circular No. 194/2014 / TT-BTC 2. Foreign enterprises trading in non-life insurance VN should: a) Non-life insurance under the legislation VN. Article 3.18, Insurance Law 2000, as amended and supplemented in 2010 defined "non-life insurance ... -
The list of investment conditions for foreign investors
1. Publication the list of investment conditions for foreign investors - The provisions of Clause 1, Article 13 of the Government's Decree No. 118/2015 / ND-CP of November 12, 2015 guiding the Investment Law. The Ministry of Planning and Investment has announced the list of investment conditions for foreign investors on the National Information Portal on foreign investment. Website: - This list is a combination of conditional business lines for foreign investors in accordance with Vietnam's Schedule of Commitments in the World Trade Organization and other laws and ordinances. , decrees, international treaties on investment of Vietnam. - Accordingly, foreign investors are required to meet all investment conditions if they wish to implement investment projects on the list of investment ... -
In accordance with Article 330 the Civil Code 2015, escrow means “an act whereby an obligor places a sum of money, precious metals, gems or valuable papers into an escrow account at a credit institution to assure the performance of an obligation”. Escrow play its role in assuring that the obligor shall properly perform an obligation; otherwise, the oblige is entitled to require the credit institution which holds the escrow account of the obligor to make payment, compensate for damage (if any) as the obligor fails to perform or improperly perform an obligation. Escrow appears in several legal fields, one of which is investment. According to Article 42 the Law on Investment 2014, if investors execute an investment project using ... -
In accordance with Clause 3 Article 3 the Law on Investment 2014, expansion project means: “a project to make investment to expand the scale, improve the capacity, apply new technologies, reduce pollution or improve environment”. Clause 3 Article 15 of such law stipulates that expansion project is one of beneficiaries eligible for investment incentives. Investment incentives are normally tax such as corporate income tax, import tax, land use tax. These are also common things to which foreign investors pay much attention when investing in Vietnam. Therefore, in order to know whether your investment project is eligible for investment incentives or not, you have to base on regulations on investment, tax and land. Corporate income tax (CIT) incentives: Operating investment project which ...